Thursday, May 16, 2013

View From The Back Of The Bus

(Subtitle) Thank Goodness We Had Our Bus Driver Beyonsi!

This morning I thought you might like to see some shots from our travels in Kampala and in the villages surrounding Kampala.  The entire time we were there we had a fantastic driver named Beyonsi. We never really did figure out the traffic pattern/laws/courtesies.  Seemed like a free-for-all from where I was sitting (next to last seat in the back left side). You know how we all tend to sit n the same pew when we go to church?  Same thing on a bus in Uganda.

One thing we noticed was that even though it seemed chaotic, people were patient - not much horn honking or dirty looks from other drivers/riders. Oh to have that at home.  I was behind someone the other day on Rifle Range who would honk at the person in front of him if that person made a right hand turn to slowly.  Be patient people!

I have borrowed a few pictures from my friend Sue Reim (another OCC Area Coordinator in the Carolinas Region). She sat two seats up from me and got the best shots of everything all week.

So sit back and enjoy the tour through Kampala and a few village shots. The one we all wish we could have caught on camera was the motorcycle taxi hauling a casket on the back - pretty impressive.

Beyonsi's vantage point

Motorcycle taxis - aka Bota Bota - were everywhere. 
Somehow folks could manage 3 adults and 1 child on one of these things.

We were the Light Blue Team and we have the Light Blue bus all week.

The children loved to wave at us.

Fruit Market

Furniture Store

Normal traffic day in Kampala

Largest mosque in Kampala at the top of the hill

Driving on the left side of the road with the driver sitting 
on the right side of the car vehicle took some getting used to.

Gas Station - looks like back home

People Everywhere 

Get your money and your mobile phone at one stop.

Roadside Plant Nursery

Shanty Town on the edge of Kampala

Stan and Dara making PB&J for us in the back of the bus

Can you figure out the traffic flow? Me neither!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all these photos!