Monday, May 13, 2013

What I did on my Ugandan "Vacation"

Hello fellow Hibbenites (and guests to the website)!

As some of you know, I recently had the honor and privilege of traveling to Uganda with A team from Operation Christmas Child.  We were able to give shoeboxes to the children in the areas around Kampala, the capital city.  We were also able to share the Gospel message with them.  The simple shoebox gits are a tangible way that we were able to show them that God's love is a gift with no strings attached.

I have many journal notes that I hope to share via this blog over the next few days.

First, and MOST importantly, THANK YOU for your many prayers while I was gone. I could feel them all the way across many, many miles.  

On one of the flights on my journey home Friday/Saturday, I wrote down a few bullet points of what we did on the trip, as well as my thoughts and impressions.  Hopefully you will find then interesting/encouraging.

Soooooo.... onto "What I did on my Ugandan Vacation":

- I got to be the hands and feet of Christ!
- I got to play and talk and pray with kids - some who really know Jesus, and some who do not.
- I got the chance to give hope to some sad little children who don't have much to hope for once they leave the love and safety of their community church.
- I got to meet some amazing Ugandan leaders who are bold for Christ - their desire to spread the Gospel throughout Uganda is HUGE - and it is making a difference!
- I got to watch a lesson of the Greatest Journey being taught. the children were so excited.
- I got to go to an African market.
- I got to meet amazing church leaders who have plans to empower the children and youth in their country to become the church leaders of tomorrow.
- I got to hear about how the local churches are using OCC and TGJ to transform communities for Christ.
- I got to go to the equator.
- I got to hear about what other programs Samaritans Purse has going full force in Uganda.
- I witnessed traffic worse than in Belize (my Hibben mission team friends will appreciate this one).
- I got to be the "fragrance of Christ" (II Corinthians 2:14-17) not for my glory, but for His.
- I got to represent all the Charleston area OCC volunteers and our donor churches with pride. (I thought about all of you constantly every day)
- I got to see first hand how very important it is that we keep on sending more and more boxes - there are so many kids we need to reach with the message of the Gospel!

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. - Revelation 7:9 (NIV)

Love you all and can't wait to share more!

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