Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Power of a Simple Gift!

The Power of a Simple Gift!
That phrase has been one used by Operation Christmas Child for several years now.  It will forever hold true.  Let me show you the "power of a simple gift" at Gospel Hope Ministry.

Gospel Hope Ministry is already a thriving church without the help of our shoebox gifts (more about that in the next installment "Pentecost in Uganda", so please check back to the blog periodically).

Today I want to share specifically how we witnessed the distribution, and not even a month after we came back home, the gospel is beginning to be spread as a result of our shoebox gifts!

When we arrived at Gospel Hope Ministry, we already heard the children singing and praising God.  There were over 120 children ages 2 or 3 to 15 or so, all clapping, singing dancing.....having a blast.

As we got off the bus and joined them in the church - an open air pavilion -  they continued to sign, and then Jennifer Davis, a member of our OCC team, shared her testimony and the Gospel message in a clear and simple way that even the smallest of the children might be able to hear and understand. After that, Jennifer asked the children who wanted to receive Jesus into their heart to say a prayer with her. What a fantastic moment to watch so many children saying yes to a life with Jesus as their guide!

Instead of leaving it there, Jennifer then encouraged those children to speak with one of the pastors, to let them know of the decision they made.

After the boxes were distributed, we spent some great time playing with, talking with and even praying with these special kids.

But is didn't end there. We left knowing that several of the children would soon begin a 12 week discipleship program that OCC provides called The Greatest Journey. We also left knowing that the families of these shoebox recipients would be impacted by the fact that Gospel Hope and OCC had given their children a gift with no strings attached.  And a gift filled with love and hope for the future.

In a recent e-mail I received from Pastor Gabriel, he wrote.....
"The children are going through The Greatest Journey course and are very excited. The church attendance has significantly increased. This is greatly attributed to the OCC Mission. We are very grateful for the work you are doing. May The Lord God bless you."

The picture above was taken AFTER we got back home to the states.  The simple gifts continued to make a big impact.  After The Greatest Journey 12 week program is competed, all of these children will be equipped to go out into the community to share their faith and reach people with the Gospel of Christ.

I pray that all of us will reach out to others in our own sphere of influence to boldly share Jesus with others.  

Bonus Uganda musings:
- from some of my fellow team members as we talked about our week thus far - 
" Never underestimate the 'weight' of our two hours that we spend with these churches. We hope that it may spur them on to growth, more ministry."


"It is a privilege to serve alongside these churches that we can support them in their ministries."

Amen, Amen, Jesus, Wow!

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