Last week on Pentecost Sunday so many things that Reverend Kathryn said in her sermon reminded me of things that we saw happening in Uganda:
* Ask the Holy Spirit to use us to change the world. Be courageous to accept that call!
* "Be on fire" with the power of the Holy Spirit because that fire spreads to others.
* We ourselves have received salvation, and now it's our turn to offer the gift of salvation to the world by depending on the power of the Holy Spirit.
The challenges listed above are being met by the Christians in Uganda without a doubt! Although Each church at every shoebox distribution we participated in had something special about it, the church at our Thursday morning distribution particularly touched my heart. Gospel Hope Ministry in the village of Gayaza is not only making a huge impact in the village, but they are reaching out to other people across Uganda and spreading the Gospel across their nation.
Pastors Samuel, Gabriel and "Sunday" (he was given that name when he converted from Islam to Christianity) have several thriving ministries within their church. There are lessons we can all learn from what they are doing:
- The most simple thing they started with when they first started the church - go to and be with the people in the market, in the streets of the neighborhoods. Be with the people - don't wait for the people to come to you.
The village has historically had practicing witch doctors and sorcerers. It is believed that the last known witch doctor died last year. Pastor Gabriel explained that the villagers were afraid to even shake hands with the witch doctors, but Samuel and Gabriel came into the area and were not afraid to shake their hands - no curses, they didn't die. This helped the people gain the trust of these Christian pastors.
- Seek out and meet the community's needs - The church has a health clinic right on the property
- A strong Sunday School program that reaches the children of the village, who in turn go back to their families and friends and share the gospel. The reason the church is growing is because the parents can trust the church because the church is loving their kids.
They also host an Annual Conference for Children where they invite other churches in the area to brainstorm about how to strengthen outreach to other children in the area.
- Work with other area churches to build a strong Christian network in the community - Gospel Hope holds joint crusades with other village churches. Collectively these churches have a strategy to reach the community for Christ.
- All Christians around the world are so much more alike than we are different. Take a look at the Vision, Mission and Core Values of Gospel Hope Ministry. Sound familiar?
Mission: "To bring people to Jesus Christ, get them into the family of believers, disciple them into appropriate ministry, in the church, and empower them to live a life that glorifies God."
Core Values - Grace, Hope, Faith, Love, Service
Maybe we should all do what Gospel Hope has done - Write our church's vision, mission and core values on the walls of our church so we will always remember what we are about!
- Gospel Hope is a church founded in prayer. They are growing because of the power of prayer.
In a recent e-mail we received from Pastor Gabriel, we read:
"Something tremendous has happened, we have been trusting God for a very long time for a piece of land for Gospel Hope Church and God has answered our prayers. One of the land owners came to us and has offered us land that we shall be paying for progressively over a period of 10 years. We are so excited at the development and thank your team for praying together with us, may God bless you."
- Gospel Hope Ministry is a church that receives missions outreach (Operation Christmas Child and The Greatest Journey discipleship program in particular), BUT Gospel Hope Ministry is also in missions to others.
While we are helping empower Gospel Hope to reach the children in their village, they are reaching out to others who are in need. In particular, the church is reaching out to people in the Gulu region of northern Uganda that has been ravaged by civil war in the past 20 years. Now that the war is over, there are many, many refugees who have nothing. Gospel Hope has started two churches in that area, and the women's ministry is busy making crafts that they sell in order to raise funds to take much needed food and other resources to the people of the Gulu. They also collect materials/supplies locally to send to the northern area. In addition, they are trying to teach the people of the Gulu region how to grow corn in order to be more self-sufficient.
Now THAT is what Pentecost is all about!
We ourselves have received salvation, and now it's our turn to offer the gift of salvation to the world by depending on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Dear Holy Spirit, help us to be "Pentecost People" - as bold for you as our brother and sister Christians in Uganda!
Amen, Amen, Jesus, Wow!
Jennifer Roberts