Sunday, February 05, 2012

Haitian Vacation Partie Un

   If the same spirt that lifted to life a dead, beaten and crucified corpse lives within you, how then can you ever ask, can it be done?
  I want to apologize for such a brief update of this blog. There is not really a whole lot I can say at the moment. There are blessings beyond belief thus far, and I am so thankful for Team Ralph, our hosts, Pastor Ablamy and his wonderful wife Donette. The congregation and work staff in Torbeck has been most gracious to us in our endeavors here. 
I am quite busy now preparing for classes which start tomorrow. I have been assigned a total of 7 classes with anywhere from 30-60 students in each at 2-3 hours per class. Thats what I get for volunteering. The staff here at the AUC campus has been very helpful in getting me aquatinted. The adjustment to this life is coming quicker and easier than I expected; although, I know this is just the beginning. I now freely take taxis (mopeds) around town and can get to all the necessary stores with out much trouble. Our network of Americans here is wonderful and its nice to talk with folks that I have met thus far that have an eager heart to serve. There are many different personalities. Haiti seems to bring out quite a cast of characters from our country. 
  The statement that I introduced this blog with is one that I will basing my experience here in Haiti on. There is quite a story behind it and I look forward to sharing it with you soon. I thank you all for your prayers and ask that you continue you in them. They have most certainly paved a way for a “smooth” and comforting transition here. Please continue to pray for Team Ralph and the safe travel for them and Team Snyder. Most of all, give God the glory and praise for all the great things He has done in my life and in yours!
Your Brother in Christ,

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