Due to the inconsistency of my internet I have not been able to update as often as I would like. I extend my apologies first to my parents; but also, to those who have helped, prayed and funded me through this adventure thus far.
Carnival the last few days have been an experience that will not soon be forgotten; however, this day, Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras brings to mind the excess that we so comfortably live with. Wealth, material and luxuries of our privileged lives are not what I speak of; but, it is our words that have consumed my thoughts as of late. The excess of words that we use and the lack of substantial meaning in them is what I would briefly like to share with you. I should take caution so that by my words, and hopefully they remain short and to the point, I do not risk jeopardizing my own legitimacy in this subject.
The words that so aptly come to mind are those that we so readily profess every Sunday. The belief in Christ and the embodiment of that love is so willfully spoken; however, they lose value when the honest and steadfast endurance inspired with the vision of Christ is not followed through. All this came about from my daily devotional which had me read from Luke 6:27-39. I believe we are all comfortable with being in fellowship with our brothers and sister in Christ; but, how comfortable are you with being merciful, forgiving, loving and yes, even Christ-like, in relation to your interactions with your enemies? This statement is in truth and is what we are called to do. We as believers give to, love and respect each other; but, this is also what sinners do among themselves. What then are you to do about this? What then are we to say when our words that speak of Christ are not followed by actions that testify to him?
This became a reality yesterday when I found my self holding another man’s hand while in my pant’s pocket. This obviously was in the throng of people that comprises Carnival. My initial reaction was to knock him out; but, with my better judgment I realized that this would not be a good idea due to the fact that I was in a well liquored crowd of Haitians at night that would have loved any reason to jump and riot against a blanc. After this morning’s devotional, and pairing it with what I knew Ecclesiastics 11:1-6 to say, I was disappointed with myself that these were the two thoughts that entered my mind, instead of how I could assist or bless this man. Instead, I was limited by my lack of Creole and my natural defensive human nature. So then, are my words void of love and meaning?
My prayer is that over this lenten season I, as well as you all, may lose the excess words that we so often use. I ask and pray that we may find the words that will appropriately define our actions with the earnest desire that our words may then shape and transform our response to this world. Don’t tell anyone you love them if you really don’t. Don’t tell anyone you will pray for them if prayer is something you don’t do. Don’t tell anyone you’ll spend the time with them when all you want is to be rid of their presence. Don’t give God all the thanks for the love that He has given you if you aren’t willing to give all the love you have to others in His name. I pray on this Fat Tuesday, we trim the excess and focus more on what the Word really means.