Thursday, February 17, 2011

Praying for Peace and Patience in Petionville

 Today was one of the most emotionally and physically draining days I have ever had; and this was our day off from working! We "toured" up the coast all the way to Petit Goave, making stops in Leogane and Mellier. We got a great glimpse of the country side here and I must say this place is blessed with a lot of natural beauty. In Petit Goave, we stopped by the Methodist mission and I am proud to say that things are moving in the right direction. We also stopped for a little r&r on the beach. The scenery there was absolutely beautiful; however, a month long beach sweep of just a 1/4 mile area is much needed. Many of the guys here believe a well developed fish camp would be nice! Although I think, instead of doing much fishing for men, we would be doing a lot of fishing for fish.
   Traveling back I wish I could say the same for down town Port au Prince. It is so difficult to describe the scenery. There is much progress and work being done amid chaos. I'm afraid much of the "negative" out weighs what good is going on. Throughout our travels through there I realized that this is where Jesus met the Samaritan woman. That this is where Jesus healed the crippled man. This is where Jesus Christ lives and walks today and although I blessed to be able to see this and be aware of it; it is quite unnerving that one must go to such extremes to see His love and His opportunity for action. There is no way to live here without Jesus in your life. There is no way for any reason to wake up in the morning and face this mess without placing your full trust and faith in our Lord. There is so much to be learned on the personal level that I must leave you at that. These mission trip are truly about building relationships upon the rock of our Lord Jesus Christ. If not, all other ground is sinking sand!

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