Wednesday, August 24, 2005

ET House Completed

E.T. go home!!! The Hibben E.T. House is complete and is in the process of being prepared for moving. Mr. Herbert Ward can hardly wait to officially take up residence. Five months after the platform was delivered to our front lawn and after countless hours from many volunteers the bare frame became a house and the house is becoming a home.

On Sunday, July 24 Hibben celebrated the volunteers, donors, and others who have come together with the Missions Committee to build another E.T. House. The luncheon included special guest Mr. Herbert Ward, the recipient of the new house, and various members of his family. Mr. Ward who lost his home to a fire this past March has been living in the Homeless Shelter. Through the work of the United Methodist Relief Center, Mr. Ward was selected for the home. Following the luncheon a dedication was held on the front porch of the house, (See above photo) blessing the house and it’s inhabitants.

The Missions Committee, under the guidance of chairperson Brad Kilpatrick along with Wesley UMC in downtown Charleston led the efforts to build this home. We extend a grateful thanksgiving to all of them as well as all the volunteers and donors who have given in so many different ways to make this mission a reality.

As Christians, we are called to be proclaimers of the Gospel. Jesus calls us to go out in service, to reach out to those who are hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, in prison, lonely, and in need. There is perhaps no greater form of loving thy neighbor than reaching out to them. The Gospel is best proclaimed through the living of our lives. As we proclaim Hibben’s mission to “make disciples of Jesus Christ,” there is no better way than the body coming together in a combined effort to reach out to those in our community and give witness of the blessings God has given us by giving back to others.

Kudos to all of Hibben for this mission of love!

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